Go to our Video Archives below and click on "A Sad Look at Christianity" and watch this video as these young men get trapped in maze of questions when their faith is challenged. Listen as they try to weasel out of the questions with some very confused answers. What you will see is the sad state of the church Monday through Saturday. How many more people in the local church are living the dual life as a Christian: with one foot in the world and another in the church? How sad it is to see so called Christians unable to articulate their beliefs as they live private lives that are no different from the culture of the world they are in.
Take Heed....
"Wherever we find the Word of God surely preached and heard, and the sacraments administered, according to the institution of Christ, there, it is not to be doubted, indeed a church of God.” - John Calvin
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
A great week.
Hello people! Good to be back again and writing a bit. I just wanted to say we had great small group bible studies each day this week especially Tuesday and Wednesday. Those two days the Holy Spirit really was present as we learned and ministered one to another. Small in numbers but a powerful movement that was definitely large in its impact! We are looking forward to soon announcing our next small group so keep your ears and eyes open!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I'm Back Again Writing for the Masses (well for our church at least...)
Hello fellow believers and non-believers. I have been away for quite a while -two weeks to be exact and sorry for the leave of absence. A lot has gone on since I have last blogged. Lets see: Woman's day. It was great success thanks to Sis Jenkins for her valiant effort as well as Sis. Tabitha for her work and energy. I also want to thank our speakers Sis. Mary Brewster and Sis Ethyl Powe for doing a magnificent job. Good day for all and a lot of fun. We also have a new member Sis. Patricia Thompson let us welcome her with love and support. I also want to stress our effort on the worship service attendance. "Let us not grow weary in well doing we shall reap if we faint not!" We want to be consistent and faithful in our love for God as well as our work in the church.
Be well
Be well
Thursday, October 25, 2007
No wonder the average Christian is so weak in their faith.
Scroll down to Video Archives and listen to Joel Osteen, pastor of the largest church in America, back down and get as soft as cotton candy when cornered and asked to say whether or not Jesus is the only way to heaven. All he has to do is let the word of God speak and say: "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12). Instead here is an example of how far many churches are from telling the truth of God's word and how weak and timid some leaders are in standing and proclaiming the message of the Gospel of Christ.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Hello to all!
Good to see everyone at church Sunday! Nice turnout and looking forward for great things in the church. Hopefully on women's day -next Sunday- we will have an equally nice turnout. We have a new member to announce: DeAndre Thompson he joined a couple of weeks ago and we will be praying for his growth for great things for God. We also want to thank all those who came out to the leaders meeting and we want to encourage more creative ideas for the church. The new video is on hold and will be posted as soon as it is released and cleared from Godtube. Enough for now -I'll see everyone this weeks in one way or another! I almost forgot...LaRhonda was back yea! Good to see her we have been missing her.
Peace in Him,
(I like that "Me" ending cool huh?)
Peace in Him,
(I like that "Me" ending cool huh?)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Sermon notes for 10-14-07
Have you Repented Lately?
Luke 3:2-9
1. Wrong Directions in Life
2. The Need for Correction in Life
3. Repentance its Meaning
4. Repentance its Necessity
1. John the Baptist a History
2. John's Message of Repentance
3. John's Audience for Repentance
4. John's Call of Repentance
5. True Repentance and Fruit
1. The Christian and Repentance
2. True and False Repentance
3. Steps of Repentance
4. Fruits of Repentance
5. Gospel and Repentance
6. Grace and Repentance
Luke 3:2-9
1. Wrong Directions in Life
2. The Need for Correction in Life
3. Repentance its Meaning
4. Repentance its Necessity
1. John the Baptist a History
2. John's Message of Repentance
3. John's Audience for Repentance
4. John's Call of Repentance
5. True Repentance and Fruit
1. The Christian and Repentance
2. True and False Repentance
3. Steps of Repentance
4. Fruits of Repentance
5. Gospel and Repentance
6. Grace and Repentance
Back and better than ever (at least that's what I think)
Hello people! I have been off of the scene for over a week (sorry about that I know I have committed one of the cardinal sins of bloggers: not blogging often). Haven't had a chance to write but I am back and will be giving my "divine opinions" (don't laugh the pope says he's infallible) to the masses on a regular basis again! I hope the last week or so has been fairly good. We have been having some great studies both in 1 Samuel and in John. We did not meet last week for the Thursday group but hopefully everyone did their reading throughout the chapter. Hope everyone is having a good week and you are reading the articles posted on the blog. I will also try and put up Sunday's sermon notes today so you can follow the series I am preaching on: The Christian: Monday through Saturday. I will also be posting up a new video this week-as I promised Sunday- in harmony with the series of sermons I am giving. Oh yeah before I forget...good to announce our new member Angel Thomas. Hip hip hooray!
Blessings my children! (man... I'm sounding more and more catholic in this post)
Blessings my children! (man... I'm sounding more and more catholic in this post)
Friday, October 5, 2007
Thursday Night
Hello to all! Thursday's study covered a lot of ground. We did quite a bit of reading and a lot of discussion of Jesus's conflicts with religious leaders in John. I thought that everyone did a wonderful job in moving about the text and attempting to figure out the various issues Jesus encountered. Good to see two of the " double trouble sisters" out on Thursday. Where was number three? Only God knows. Tell Cameron we missed him!
See You On SUNDAY!
See You On SUNDAY!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
I almost forgot...sorry.
It was a wonderful event on last Friday night in Long Beach at the Christians In Action banquet! It was a great service and we got to see how a lot of the missionary work is done overseas. Elgin Taylor gave a dynamic testimony of their work and service in the 50 years that he served as a missionary, and in later years as president of Christian in Action. Let us continue to pray and support the work of missionaries with Christians in Action.
I'm Back!
Haven't written in a while but that doesn't mean we haven't been, busy, busy, busy! Had a great time Sunday afternoon with the kids. Sis Jenkins did a great job with the program putting it together. The Tuesday morning bible study was very very inspirational one of the best ones believe it or not. There were only a few there but God was definitely in the mix of things. A powerful moving of God's Spirit took place as He opened up verses like never before! I also want to commend the Wednesday night crew for a interactive study that was very encouraging. I don't recall when we have ever had that much input- great question and sharing!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The Thursday Crew!
We had a fun time Thursday along with an inspiring time studying God's word. Covering most of chapter 7, we took in a lot of great material about Christ's encounters with the religious establishment of His day. Everything went smooth-except an encounter with some foot apparel...don't ask you had to be there.
God be with you all.
See ya Sunday! (Oh yeah, and I'll be waiting)
God be with you all.
See ya Sunday! (Oh yeah, and I'll be waiting)
The Peak!
We hit the peak on Wednesday night bible study in 1st Samuel, as we concluded the rise and fall of Saul. Interesting discussion of how an individual, who could be used by God, would not be used by God. Good input by Bro. Jim -thanks to him as well as Sis Jenkins. We will start next week with the introduction of David.
Peace everyone!
Peace everyone!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Back Again!
Good to be back at the Tuesday morning bible study after a week off. Today was a time of reflection and quizzing! We had a short quiz in which everyone did well. A few trick questions but all survived. We were happy to have as a guest, Sis. Mary's sister-in-law, who shared a great testimony and praise report of God's greatness. Her words were edifying and uplifting. We will be picking up again in the 11th chapter of John next time.
Blessings people!
Blessings people!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Hey Everyone!
Wednesday and Thursday night studies were great! Wednesday we completed chapter 14 in First Samuel and covered a lot of material on King Saul. I'm still looking for the interaction we need for the Wednesday night study but it is beginning to develop. Since the historical books are a great deal of narrative, we should have a lot more interaction folks. Thursday we finished the lengthy chapter 6 in the gospel of John with a lot of input. CeCe was calm this week-probably because of a claim of sickness. Also we didn't have any phone interuptions -Lol Bro Wayne! Great time however and a good Taco salad- but bad for my figure!
Blessings people, and have a great weekend...see ya Sunday!
Blessings people, and have a great weekend...see ya Sunday!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
No Tuesday morning bible study however...
Bible study was cancelled on Tuesday morning however keep up with your reading! A new quiz is coming up next week to see what you know. The quiz will cover John chapters 1-6.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Sunday's Sermon Notes -Enjoy!
Living in the "what if" rather than the "rest in Christ"
Hebrews 4:1-16
1. Issues of unrest in lives of believer
2. Struggles of attaining rest as believer.
3. Defining the "what if"
4. Living in the "what if"
5. Bondage of the "what if"
Text Outline
1. Hebrews and the person of Christ
2. Old Testament saints never attaining rest
3. Christ as the giver of rest
4. Christians provided rest in Christ
1. Provision of rest in Christ
2. Courage to step into the rest of Christ
3. Faith to take hold of the rest in Christ
4. Verification of rest in Christ by the Gospel
Hebrews 4:1-16
1. Issues of unrest in lives of believer
2. Struggles of attaining rest as believer.
3. Defining the "what if"
4. Living in the "what if"
5. Bondage of the "what if"
Text Outline
1. Hebrews and the person of Christ
2. Old Testament saints never attaining rest
3. Christ as the giver of rest
4. Christians provided rest in Christ
1. Provision of rest in Christ
2. Courage to step into the rest of Christ
3. Faith to take hold of the rest in Christ
4. Verification of rest in Christ by the Gospel
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Sunday service addition!
Hey parishoners! The Lord is always moving and doing magnificent things as we witnessed in a great service on Sunday! The kids were back singing and Sis Tabitha had em humming to the beat! We are also pleased to announce our new member Lucinda Hawkins. We praise God for her and are looking forward to the Lord doing great things with our congregation as we add to the church body!
Also sermon notes will be posted hopefully by tomorrow also feel free to ask questions or make comments. Blessings to all.
Also sermon notes will be posted hopefully by tomorrow also feel free to ask questions or make comments. Blessings to all.
Friday, September 14, 2007
We meet again!
Hey everyone! Thursday Night was great again. The Lakewood crew had some interesting things that were brought up and Ciarra was really paying attention and answering questions correctly (that deserves applause -believe me). We were studying carefully, the statement of how Christ was using "bread" metaphorically in describing Himself. We also discussed the issue of eternal life as opposed to temporal life. Hopefully it was edifying to all. Looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Wednesday night's study of Samuel coming along slowly but surely!
We are still in the 14th chapter of 1 Samuel in our Wednesday night bible study. Our discussion was Jonathan in battle against the Philistines and their defeat at the hand of the Lord. I thought it was good- a little slow but very good none the less. There definitely needs to be more interaction so we will work on that a little more for the future.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Tuesday Bible Study
We had a great time at the Tuesday morning study. We are still in John- in the 10th Chapter- studying the discourse of the Good Shepherd. Interesting questions and discussions were had about discerning and the leading of the Holy Spirit. This in turn led to a discussion of how we as Christians, listen to the leading of our Savior Christ- who is the ultimate Shepherd! It was very interesting!
(Good food too! - Thanks Sis. Carla-)
(Good food too! - Thanks Sis. Carla-)
Monday, September 10, 2007
Sunday's Sermon Notes -Enjoy!
Hosea 1:10-11
A God of Love
1. The background and historical significance of Hosea
2. Adaptation of our lives to Hosea's issues
3. How we see God's love
a. Knowing who we are in Christ
b. How we became who we are in Christ
c. Why we became who we are in Christ
Text Outline
4. The life and message of Hosea
5. God's coming judgment of Israel for their sins
6. God' love for Israel
7. God's Restoration of Israel
8. God's condemnation for our sin
9. God's Love for us in Christ
10. God's reconciliation of us by Christ
11. God's restoration with new life for believer through Christ
A God of Love
1. The background and historical significance of Hosea
2. Adaptation of our lives to Hosea's issues
3. How we see God's love
a. Knowing who we are in Christ
b. How we became who we are in Christ
c. Why we became who we are in Christ
Text Outline
4. The life and message of Hosea
5. God's coming judgment of Israel for their sins
6. God' love for Israel
7. God's Restoration of Israel
8. God's condemnation for our sin
9. God's Love for us in Christ
10. God's reconciliation of us by Christ
11. God's restoration with new life for believer through Christ
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Sermon Notes
Hello everyone! I hope the blog is interesting reading. I'll try and keep it fairly current with new stuff and I will also attempt to post sermon notes for questions and discussions each week.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Jesus Can Get You Bling!

The Gospel of Prosperity: Does Wealth Mean You're Blessed?
Part One of a Three Part Series on the Black
By Angela Bronner, AOL Black Voices,
Hip-hop soul legend Mary J. Blige has always let it be known that God was an important part of her life and upbringing. From vignettes on her album to her oft-present cross, the born-again Christian insists that God wants her to have nice things. In a recent 'Blender' magazine article, the sometimes downtrodden diva stated:
"My God is a God who wants me to have things. He wants me to bling. He wants me to be the hottest thing on the block. I don't know what kind of God the rest of y'all are serving, but the God I serve says, 'Mary, you need to be the hottest thing this year, and I'm gonna make sure you're doing that.'"
Could Mary J. be a proponent of what many term ''The Gospel of Prosperity?"
Though not an organized religion, the prosperity gospel is an increasingly-popular view commonly found in televangelical preachings and in Pentecostal churches; it claims God wants Christians to be successful in every way, especially in their finances. Given face by African-American television minsters such as Creflo Dollar and Rev. Frederick K.C. Price (real names), prosperity proponents state that the true Christian has only to ask for material wealth and it will be granted.
Yet, if a Christian is not enjoying these benefits, then it's because they either have not asked for them or because they have some blockage in their lives which is preventing God from blessing them. Furthermore, some critics of these individual preachers and the movement itself say the only ones becoming prosperous are the ministers themselves.
"It's materialism, it's the marketplace, it's also about the black middle class trying to alleviate its conscience about dealing with those who are less fortunate," says minister, author and professor for Africana studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Michael Eric Dyson. "Why didn’t we have the Gospel of Prosperity during King's day? All of a sudden, we can track it. The expansion of the black middle class has also created the necessity for a theology that will justify our status."
Dollar, 41, who is not obligated to disclose his finances because his church is tax-exempt, appears to be financially fit. His World Changers megachurch, founded in Atlanta in 1986, now has over 25,000 members with an annual operating budget of over $80 million. Dollar, who has a multi-million dollar mansion in Atlanta and two Rolls Royces, flies on his private jet every Saturday to New York City, where in October 2004, he started a congregation.
He owns a $2.5 million Manhattan apartment in the exclusive Time Warner Center, and collects over $345,000 a month for the New York church, which he says stays there to build it. Before making the physical move to New York, the city was Dollar's largest television market.
Packed to the rafters with people of all ages and races, Rev. Dollar's World Changers New York fills Madison Square Garden's Theater each week. Dollar's affable manner, clever witticisms ("I'ma preach a wig off your head tonight!") and clear rules for living based on the Bible make for good television and an even larger congregation.
"To be broke means you lack," shouts Dollar from the stage, filled with a modern choir and five-piece band, including violinist. Overhead hangs a huge "World Changers" banner with people of all colors looking fulfilled. There is also a translator for the hearing impared.
Dollar always qualifies prosperity as not just material things, but also love, relationships and health. "I'll never be broke another day in my life," he commands the audience to say. "Turn to two people and say it."
Two offerings are taken before the reverend began his main sermon, the audience reflecting an almost game-show like atmosphere, as Dollar asked those who experienced "increase this week" to bring up their offerings. Hundreds of blue envelopes flood the air as people wave them madly. "If you have experienced increase this week, and would like to make a first offering, we rejoice."
Richard "Ricke" Williams, 24, a film producer from Patterson, New Jersey has been attending World Changers New York services since September, 2005. "I joined that day," says Williams. "It's been great. I've grown a lot as an individual; I'm a different person."
"Prosperity is key, but not necessarily financial prosperity," continues Williams. "[Rev. Dollar] gets in trouble with the media about this, but he wants us to prosper in our soul, health, family; mentally and spiritually. You can have a million dollars but your family is in disarray. You can have money and not be prosperous. Finances is just one part of it."
There are as many Bible verses to support prosperity as there are to skewer it. Dyson, like many critics of the prosperity churches, points out that many prominent Christians and even Jesus himself, was not a rich man. Dollar, however, points to Biblical titans such as Solomon and David, who were wealthy. For every verse that says it's easier for a camel to get through an eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven [Mark 10:25] , there is another which states that Jesus came so that "they may have life, and they might have it more abundantly." [John 10:10]
"So now, we have a theology that says that the only way, or the primary way God blesses us is through having a Mercedes or a nice Rolex or some nice diamonds or some nice clothes and a nice place to live," says Dyson. "All that's great, but the question is, is that the unalterable sign of God's blessing? If that's the case, Jesus was the greatest failure as a Christian we've ever seen."
Dyson continues, "Jesus was a revolutionary. Jesus spoke against the common order of the day. Jesus spoke against the status quo. That Jesus didn't go to the White House to try to curry favor. That Jesus spoke prophesy in ways that made leaders uncomfortable, in fact, they wanted to kill him," he says. "We have to ask the question, what are you doing? Do these ministers speak about racism? Do they speak about sexism or homophobia? Do they talk out against the issues of the day? Yes, people call His name, but they're not preaching His gospel."
"[Dollar] doesn't get paid from the church, but from writing his books, his travels and tape sales," states Williams. "Our tithes and offerings stay in the church to build it. If you think about it, he has a huge flock. I realized that [my offerings] are for God. At the point of giving, you give because you love God."
Williams, who says his finances have not necessarily changed, says his soul has in fact prospered since becoming a member of World Changers, and that eventually, when he can correctly apply "the system God works on" he will be blessed on the material plane. As for Mary J. Blige's quote, Williams pretty much agrees.
"She's using very worldly words," he qualifies. "But if you think about it, she's recognizing Him. If they always see you broke, and not prospering and depressed, why would they try to understand [Christianity]? I can see why God wants to see her at her best."
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Great Bible Study!
We had a wonderful time with The Word on Thursday in Lakewood. Looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday! Got questions? Post em.
Juanita Bynum Changes Her Mind and Divorces
Evangelist Bynum files for divorce
She plans to attend Obama fund-raiser, seeks to talk to candidate about domestic violence
The Atlanta-Journal Constitution
Published on: 09/06/07
National evangelist Juanita Bynum apparently has filed for divorce, more than two weeks after the alleged attack by her husband, Bishop Thomas Weeks III.
A relative on Thursday said that Bynum has filed for divorce but court records were not available early Thursday. Bynum's publicist, Amy Malone, would not comment.
Bynum, 48, returned to the national spotlight this week after recovering from the alleged beating by Weeks, the pastor and co-founder of Global Destiny Ministries in metro Atlanta.
Bynum called a press conference on Tuesday, a few hours before she hosted an international Christian talk show on Trinity Broadcasting Network. She appeared poised and soft-spoken before news cameras. She wore her wedding ring on her right hand. The pastor has been separated from her husband for more than three months.
Calling herself "the new face of domestic violence," Bynum is expected to be part of an A-list crowd Saturday at a fund-raiser for Barack Obama's presidential bid.
The party is being hosted by media magnate Oprah Winfrey at her 42-acre estate in California.
Bynum is part of a guest list that includes celebrities, politicians and other news makers.
"She received an invitation to attend the event at Oprah's home,'' said Malone. Bynum is hoping to talk directly with Obama or members of his presidential campaign team about national domestic violence concerns.
Weeks' lawyer, Louis Tesser, has said that Weeks "hopes he doesn't wind up getting a divorce." On Wednesday, Weeks broke his silence for the first time since the alleged Aug. 21 domestic violence incident by issuing a written statement through his lawyers.
In it, Weeks cautioned against a rush to judgment and said he would share his version of what happened that night at the appropriate time.
Bynum was allegedly beaten, choked, and stomped to the ground in an attack. Weeks was charged with felony aggravated assault, felony terroristic threats and two counts of simple battery in connection to the incident.
Weeks' appearance in Fulton County Superior Court originally set for Friday has been postponed indefinitely. The case has been reassigned to a different judge. He could face up to 27 years in jail if convicted.
She plans to attend Obama fund-raiser, seeks to talk to candidate about domestic violence
The Atlanta-Journal Constitution
Published on: 09/06/07
National evangelist Juanita Bynum apparently has filed for divorce, more than two weeks after the alleged attack by her husband, Bishop Thomas Weeks III.
A relative on Thursday said that Bynum has filed for divorce but court records were not available early Thursday. Bynum's publicist, Amy Malone, would not comment.
Bynum, 48, returned to the national spotlight this week after recovering from the alleged beating by Weeks, the pastor and co-founder of Global Destiny Ministries in metro Atlanta.
Bynum called a press conference on Tuesday, a few hours before she hosted an international Christian talk show on Trinity Broadcasting Network. She appeared poised and soft-spoken before news cameras. She wore her wedding ring on her right hand. The pastor has been separated from her husband for more than three months.
Calling herself "the new face of domestic violence," Bynum is expected to be part of an A-list crowd Saturday at a fund-raiser for Barack Obama's presidential bid.
The party is being hosted by media magnate Oprah Winfrey at her 42-acre estate in California.
Bynum is part of a guest list that includes celebrities, politicians and other news makers.
"She received an invitation to attend the event at Oprah's home,'' said Malone. Bynum is hoping to talk directly with Obama or members of his presidential campaign team about national domestic violence concerns.
Weeks' lawyer, Louis Tesser, has said that Weeks "hopes he doesn't wind up getting a divorce." On Wednesday, Weeks broke his silence for the first time since the alleged Aug. 21 domestic violence incident by issuing a written statement through his lawyers.
In it, Weeks cautioned against a rush to judgment and said he would share his version of what happened that night at the appropriate time.
Bynum was allegedly beaten, choked, and stomped to the ground in an attack. Weeks was charged with felony aggravated assault, felony terroristic threats and two counts of simple battery in connection to the incident.
Weeks' appearance in Fulton County Superior Court originally set for Friday has been postponed indefinitely. The case has been reassigned to a different judge. He could face up to 27 years in jail if convicted.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
D. James Kennedy
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - The Rev. D. James Kennedy, a pioneering megachurch pastor who became one of the nation's most prominent Christian broadcasters and a key figure in the rise of the religious right, died Wednesday, a church spokesman said. He was 76.
Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church spokesman John Aman said Kennedy died at about 2:15 a.m. at his home in Fort Lauderdale. He had suffered a heart attack in December and announced his retirement last month.
Kennedy took the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale from a congregation of 45 in 1959 to a megachurch of nearly 10,000 members today.
He also founded the Center for Christian Statesmanship in Washington, organizing Capitol Hill Bible studies and other events that attracted top government officials and encouraged them "to embrace God's providential purpose for this nation."
In 1974, Kennedy started Coral Ridge Ministries, his radio and TV outreach arm, which now claims a weekly audience of 3.5 million. Kennedy's TV show "The Coral Ridge Hour," airs on more than 400 stations and four cable networks and is broadcast to more than 150 countries on the Armed Forces Network, his ministry says. Last year, the National Religious Broadcasters association inducted him into their Hall of Fame.
"He was one of the early visionaries who saw that you could use electronic media to extend the four walls of the church to reach a broader audience," said Frank Wright, president and chief executive officer of the NRB.
Kennedy was also a close colleague of the Rev. Pat Robertson, the Rev. Jerry Falwell and other religious broadcasters and was an early board member of the Moral Majority, which Falwell formed in 1979. But Kennedy wasn't nearly as well-known as other conservative Christian activists, preferring a behind-the-scenes role that helped maintain his independence, said John Green, senior fellow at the Pew Forum for Religion & Public Life.
"He was never in the front ranks of evangelical leaders that were also political leaders, but he was active at every stage of the Christian right," Green said. "He was certainly a very influential figure and associate of all of the more prominent Christian right figures."
In 1996, Kennedy formed the Center for Reclaiming America for Christ, to mobilize conservative Christians "on the key fronts of the modern-day culture war," including marriage, pornography, creationism and "judicial tyranny," according to the group's Web site. The center closed earlier this year.
However, Green said the pastor did so only when older religious right groups, such as the Christian Coalition, seemed to be losing influence.
Kennedy, whose church is affiliated with the theologically conservative Presbyterian Church in America, was much more out front when it came to evangelism.
In the 1960s, when many conservative Christians were still debating how much they should engage the broader culture, Kennedy jumped in. He created Evangelism Explosion International, which trains lay Christians to share their beliefs in every day life.
"That simple goal is now widely adopted in evangelical churches and widely accepted, but at the time he started it, it wasn't," Wright said.
Kennedy was raised in Chicago and earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Tampa, master's degrees from Columbia Theological Seminary and the Chicago Graduate School of Theology, and a doctorate from New York University. He was the author of more than 50 books and also founded two schools — Knox Theological Seminary and Westminster Academy, a K-12 Christian school near his church.
Kennedy is survived by his wife of 51 years, Anne, and a daughter, Jennifer Kennedy Cassidy. Funeral arrangements were not immediately announced.
Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church spokesman John Aman said Kennedy died at about 2:15 a.m. at his home in Fort Lauderdale. He had suffered a heart attack in December and announced his retirement last month.
Kennedy took the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale from a congregation of 45 in 1959 to a megachurch of nearly 10,000 members today.
He also founded the Center for Christian Statesmanship in Washington, organizing Capitol Hill Bible studies and other events that attracted top government officials and encouraged them "to embrace God's providential purpose for this nation."
In 1974, Kennedy started Coral Ridge Ministries, his radio and TV outreach arm, which now claims a weekly audience of 3.5 million. Kennedy's TV show "The Coral Ridge Hour," airs on more than 400 stations and four cable networks and is broadcast to more than 150 countries on the Armed Forces Network, his ministry says. Last year, the National Religious Broadcasters association inducted him into their Hall of Fame.
"He was one of the early visionaries who saw that you could use electronic media to extend the four walls of the church to reach a broader audience," said Frank Wright, president and chief executive officer of the NRB.
Kennedy was also a close colleague of the Rev. Pat Robertson, the Rev. Jerry Falwell and other religious broadcasters and was an early board member of the Moral Majority, which Falwell formed in 1979. But Kennedy wasn't nearly as well-known as other conservative Christian activists, preferring a behind-the-scenes role that helped maintain his independence, said John Green, senior fellow at the Pew Forum for Religion & Public Life.
"He was never in the front ranks of evangelical leaders that were also political leaders, but he was active at every stage of the Christian right," Green said. "He was certainly a very influential figure and associate of all of the more prominent Christian right figures."
In 1996, Kennedy formed the Center for Reclaiming America for Christ, to mobilize conservative Christians "on the key fronts of the modern-day culture war," including marriage, pornography, creationism and "judicial tyranny," according to the group's Web site. The center closed earlier this year.
However, Green said the pastor did so only when older religious right groups, such as the Christian Coalition, seemed to be losing influence.
Kennedy, whose church is affiliated with the theologically conservative Presbyterian Church in America, was much more out front when it came to evangelism.
In the 1960s, when many conservative Christians were still debating how much they should engage the broader culture, Kennedy jumped in. He created Evangelism Explosion International, which trains lay Christians to share their beliefs in every day life.
"That simple goal is now widely adopted in evangelical churches and widely accepted, but at the time he started it, it wasn't," Wright said.
Kennedy was raised in Chicago and earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Tampa, master's degrees from Columbia Theological Seminary and the Chicago Graduate School of Theology, and a doctorate from New York University. He was the author of more than 50 books and also founded two schools — Knox Theological Seminary and Westminster Academy, a K-12 Christian school near his church.
Kennedy is survived by his wife of 51 years, Anne, and a daughter, Jennifer Kennedy Cassidy. Funeral arrangements were not immediately announced.
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