Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wanna get a lot of people for your church?

Here is an interesting video courtesy of Bro. and Sis. Manalastas, members of our church, that shows how and why a church may grow. Too often pastors are so afraid to preach the gospel, in fear of losing the goats, they will say and do anything, which leads to starving the sheep.

Friday, December 10, 2010

PRAYER the greatest tool in the Christian life

Guess what? Most Christians have horrible prayer lives. And unfortunately I must say, my prayer life needs a lot of improvement. Often people say prayers, but they do not engage in praying. Well I have to warn you, I have to say something that is hard and unfortunately sad to say, but many Christians don't even know HOW to pray. Until prayer is emphasized in a believers life, most will live defeated and powerless lives; carried out in pain and frustration. However there is hope! Here I have an interesting link on HOW TO PRAY. So you can read, learn and use the most vital and powerful weapon for all Christians. See, there is always hope in prayer because God is always listening.