"Wherever we find the Word of God surely preached and heard, and the sacraments administered, according to the institution of Christ, there, it is not to be doubted, indeed a church of God.” - John Calvin
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Nascar Prayer: The Man is Indeed Thankful
Not quite sure about this prayer to be honest, but he is bringing attention to the fact that we should be thankful to God -and Jesus Christ is mentioned- which is a good thing. Is the way he prayed alright? Well I do believe we should be reverent when speaking to God and serious when we pray because we are talking to the most important individual in existence. But I must admit, some of my private prayers have been pretty shabby and unfocused. So before I get the speck out of my brothers eye I need to get the log out of mine.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
A Missionary Believes Christians Should Stop Evangelizing

This is WHY Missionaries need sound theological training and a Calling before they head out to evangelize
Before you become an evangelist to go out to do missionary work, and evangelize the lost, you must know what evangelism is and isn't. In a recent CNN article a missionary reports that Christians should stop trying to convert Muslims to Christianity. He goes on to state how harsh some Christians are in their tactics. He mentions that they cause trouble in the nations they become apart of because they come into foreign countries and cultures, trying to evangelize Muslims and to make them Christians.
The problem that this man has and many other Christians, is that they have a distorted understanding and confused view of evangelism. In this CNN Article this "missionary" to Beirut, Lebanon says instead of converting Muslims- we should tell them about the teachings of Jesus and not try to convert them.
First and foremost Christians don't convert people to anything. We are never called to "convert" people to Christianity. We don't make converts or make people believe. We are to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit saves and regenerates dead men by giving them life to believe. Christians are then called to make these individuals that have been Born Again, disciples or learners of the person and work of Christ. God himself converts and saves by the gospel and not the evangelist or some missionary. The evangelist is not responsible for the results he is merely the messenger delivering the good news of Jesus Christ. If people get converted or if they don't get converted, it is up to God not humans. Much of American evangelism is pragmatism, which is trying to find practical methods that work to get people "saved". We use pragmatism so we can see results of people coming to a church or making a "decision" for Christ. However when people are converted this is a supernatural work by the sovereign God and the results, conflicts, and trials are a result of His work. We are not to worry about the cost of conflict, loss of friends, desertion of family members, etc. because we are messengers not the converters. If conflict arises in the nation,city, culture, religion, family, etc. as a result of one becoming a Christian, that's normal because all false doctrines are opposed to the truth- just read about the Apostle Paul as he gets stoned by an angry crowd at Lystra (Acts 14:19). Instead,we are to fight the good fight, run the race, wrestle against powers. The road for any believer is never said to be easy- only narrow.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Politicians And Christianity Sometimes Good and Sometimes a Bad Mix

Michelle Bachmann leaves her church. However according to church membership records in this CNN NEWS ARTICLE, it seems like she never WENT TO CHURCH! Well even if she never goes at least she does know how to leave a church unlike so many members that just rudely stop showing up. However one must always tread with caution when following politicians who make claims of Christianity! Often leaders will do and say anything to get elected and build a following among specific segments of voters. We as followers of Jesus Christ, will be targeted to and marketed to by many a politician who will attempt to pander to the faithful and rally our support for their careers. As good stewards of the gospel of Christ we must hold any government official accountable to their claims of Christianity and make sure that if they say they are believers that they back this up with their adherence to word of God. And not just spout verbal religious claims of belief. The bible says “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves” (James 1:22)
I am not doubting Mrs. Bachmans’s faith as a Christian, and she seems like a great lady, but she appears as a politician who merely has her name as a member on a sheet of paper but never has her body in a pew. I know this might be news to American Evangelicals in our country but: Christians are suppose to GO TO CHURCH!! Not just talk a good game of “Christianeese”. “Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not DO what I say?” (Luke 6:46) Unfortunately she like many politicians don’t go to church because often they believe that their rise in prominence excuses them from being under pastoral authority and church accountability. So they make excuses like being “busy working for the people” or taking care of "important issues" . Therefore they put other things in front of their time for God and neglect their spiritual development. All Christians need to be fed the Gospel of Jesus Christ on a regular basis just like regular food. Of all people, politicians, need to be washed with the word (eph. 5:26), especially after being in the dirty and corrupt world of government politics. To not hear the word of God preached, and have the sacraments administered on a regular basis, is a bad sign. Because if they will make excuses and compromise for not attending worship services, they will compromise and make excuses for pertinent issues concerning the voting public. Political Christians separated from God's word will begin living and governing in their own power as opposed to the Holy Spirit, and therefore compromise and disregard biblical truth as well as the constituents that put them in office.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
The Government Crackdown is Alive and Well in China and in America as Well- So don't be surprised.
It's amazing how that the mainstream media tells you about religious restrictions in other countries, yet this same media, is so blind to what goes on in the United States. Here in this video CNN reveals government crackdowns on Christianity in China- but what they don't report is, what's happening in their own backyard! Could church crackdowns and persecution happen in the good ol USA? Yes it can and it already is! In fact,local state, county, and city governments in the United States, have already begun by using a different tactic to persecute and stop the mission of Jesus Christ and His church by implementing a much more subtle technique called : "city zoning ordinances". In this article where City Tells Church to Stop Worship Services you see this happening daily in our own country. Make no mistake about it, attempts to stop the gospel are alive and well in the west as much as they are in Asia. Satan is just as busy here as he is there. And the gates of hell are making greater and greater attempts to advance and dismantle the kingdom of God- but they won't prevail. So let us continue to pray and never faint.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
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